oil and canvas

More than
90 paintings

Take a look around in my virtual gallery. Here you can find my artworks before 2016. My first solo exhibition was in the spring at 2010. My work has changed a lot since then.

More than
90 paintings

Take a look around in my virtual gallery. Here you can find my artworks before 2016. My first solo exhibition was in the spring at 2010. My work has changed a lot since then.


My paintings before 2016

I started painting with oil during my college years by MOME. My husband started to support me that I need to paint not just for home not just for us. My first solo exhibition was in the spring at 2010.

You will not find all my paintings in the image gallery but I tried to upload as much as possible. You can see the details of the pictures first and then the full painting. My works follow each other in chronological order from 2016 until 2002.

Let see my SUNTIMES collection of 2016